[en] DEFAULT_REASON = No reason INFO_BANNED = Player has been banned INFO_UNBANNED = Player %s has been unbanned INFO_BAD_CODE = Bad code, search on the list INFO_NO_BANS = No bans INFO_HINT1 = Cn its counting number (ordering) INFO_HINT2 = code (!) you should use for INFO_HEADER = Cn | code | nick | admin | reason | date of ban | date of unban INFO_FOOTER = Use '%s %d', to get more INFO_DURING_KICK = You have banned. Check console! INFO_HUD = Player %s has been banned^nby admin %s^n%s^nReason: %s INFO_CHOOSE_PLAYER = Firstly chose player WORD_WARNING = WARNING WORD_SERVER = Server WORD_NEVER = Never WORD_REASON = Reason WORD_FROM = From WORD_EXPIRE = Expire WORD_RETURN = Return WORD_OWN = Own [ro] DEFAULT_REASON = Fara motiv INFO_BANNED = Jucatorul a fost banat INFO_UNBANNED = Jucatorul %s a primit unban INFO_BAD_CODE = Code gresit, cauta mai bine in lista INFO_NO_BANS = Nu sunt banuri INFO_HINT1 = Cn numeroteaza numerele (ordonare) INFO_HINT2 = code (!) trebuie sa folositi pentru INFO_HEADER = Cn | code | nume | admin | motiv | data banari | data unbanari INFO_FOOTER = Foloseste '%s %d', pentru a obtine mai mult INFO_DURING_KICK = Ai fost banat. Verifica mesajele din consola! INFO_HUD = Jucatorul %s a fost banat^nde adminul %s^n%s^nMotivul: %s INFO_CHOOSE_PLAYER = Primul jucator ales WORD_WARNING = ATENTIE WORD_SERVER = Server WORD_NEVER = Niciodata WORD_REASON = Motiv WORD_FROM = De la WORD_EXPIRE = Expira WORD_RETURN = Intoarcere WORD_OWN = Introdu valoarea/textul tau