[en] GAG_ALLREDYGAGED = Player is allready gaged GAG_ADMINGAGEDPLAYER = ADMIN %s: Gag player '%s' for %d minutes. Reason: '%s' GAG_ADMINHASGAGEDYOU = The Admin %s has gaged you for %d minutes. Reason: '%s' GAG_AUTOUNGAGED = You've been ungaged! GAG_CANTSPEAK_ADMINCMD = You were gaged by '%s'. %d minute%s remaining GAG_WORDREASON = Reason: '%s' GAG_CANTSPEAK_SWEAR = You were gaged for swearing! %d minute%s remaining GAG_GAGFORSWEAR = You have been gaged for swearing! GAG_PLAYERNOTGAGED = Player '%s' is not gaged GAG_ADMINUNGAGEDPLAYER = ADMIN %s: UnGag player '%s' GAG_ADMINHASUNGAGEDYOU = The Admin %s has ungaged you. Reason: %s