[en] KF_SPECBUG_KICK = You are suspected of using specbug, we have decided to kick you out from the server. KF_SPECBUG_BAN = You are suspected of using SPECBUG, we have decided to ban you from the server for the next 15 minutes. KF_CFGFLOOD_KICK = You are suspected of using CFGFLOOD, we have decided to kick you out from the server. KF_CFGFLOOD_BAN = You are suspected of using CFGFLOOD, we have decided to ban you from the server for the next 15 minutes. KF_AUTOBUY_KICK = You are suspected of using AUTOBUY BUG, we have decided to kick you out from the server. KF_AUTOBUY_BAN = You are suspected of using AUTOBUY BUG, we have decided to ban you from the server for the next 15 minutes. KF_BLOCKCMD_KICK = You are suspected of CHAT FLOOD, we have decided to kick you out from the server. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM = You are suspected of CHAT FLOOD, please slow down on sending too many chat messages. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM_COUNTDOWN_1 = You wont be able to send chat messages for the next %f seconds. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM_COUNTDOWN_2 = Warning %d / 10 before being kicked, stop spamming the chat! KF_BLOCKCMD_UNALLOWEDCHARS = Due to security reasons, you cannot use special characters inside your name or chat. Please change your name! [ro] KF_SPECBUG_KICK = Esti suspectat de specbug, am hotarat ca e mai bine sa-ti dam un kick. KF_SPECBUG_BAN = Esti suspectat de SPECBUG, am hotarat ca este mai bine sa ne parasesti pentru urmatoarele 15 minute. KF_CFGFLOOD_KICK = Esti suspectat de CFGFLOOD, am hotarat ca e mai bine sa-ti dam un kick. KF_CFGFLOOD_BAN = Esti suspectat de CFGFLOOD, am hotarat ca este mai bine sa ne parasesti pentru urmatoarele 15 minute. KF_AUTOBUY_KICK = Esti suspectat de AUTOBUY BUG, am hotarat ca e mai bine sa-ti dam un kick. KF_AUTOBUY_BAN = Esti suspectat de AUTOBUY BUG, am hotarat ca este mai bine sa ne parasesti pentru urmatoarele 15 minute. KF_BLOCKCMD_KICK = Esti suspectat de CHAT FLOOD, am hotarat ca este mai bine sa-ti dam un kick. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM = Esti suspectat de CHAT FLOOD, incearca sa reduci numarul de mesaje chat transmise catre server. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM_COUNTDOWN_1 = Pentru urmatoarele %f secunde nu vei mai putea transmite mesaje chat catre server. KF_BLOCKCMD_INFORM_COUNTDOWN_2 = Avertizarea %d / 10 la limita careia vei primi kick, opreste spamul de chat! KF_BLOCKCMD_UNALLOWEDCHARS = Din motive de securitate nu poti utiliza caracterele date in chat sau in nume.