[en] AUTORR_LANG_CANNOT_ADMIN1 = That command cannot be used while the server is auto round restarting AUTORR_LANG_CANNOT_ADMIN2 = That command cannot be used because another admin round restart command is being executed AUTORR_LANG_CLIENT_RESTART = The game has been restarted at round 1 AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_RESTART_1 = ADMIN: restarted the game at round 1 AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_RESTART_2 = ADMIN %s: restarted the game at round 1 AUTORR_LANG_CLIENT_LO3 = Live On Three has been executed AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_LO3_1 = ADMIN: executed Live On Three AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_LO3_2 = ADMIN %s: executed Live On Three AUTORR_LANG_CLIENT_SWITCHALL = All players have been switched to the opposite team AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_SWITCHALL_1 = ADMIN: switched all players to the opposite team AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_SWITCHALL_2 = ADMIN %s: switched all players to the opposite team AUTORR_LANG_CLIENT_SPECNCHOOSE = All players have been sent to spectate and shown the choose team menu AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_SPECNCHOOSE_1 = ADMIN: sent everyone to spectate to choose their team again AUTORR_LANG_ADMIN_SPECNCHOOSE_2 = ADMIN %s: sent everyone to spectate to choose their team again AUTORR_LANG_LASTROUND = This is the last round! AUTORR_LANG_NOROUNDSLEFT = No Rounds Left! An auto round restart will occur next round! AUTORR_LANG_1ROUNDLEFT = There is 1 more round left before an auto round restart will occur AUTORR_LANG_ROUNDSLEFT = There are %i more rounds left before an auto round restart will occur AUTORR_LANG_UNABLEROUND = This server is not currently configured to track round numbers for auto round restarts AUTORR_LANG_NOTIMELEFT = No Time Left! An auto round restart will occur next round! AUTORR_LANG_1MINUTE = There is less than 1 minute left until an auto round restart will occur AUTORR_LANG_TIMELEFT = There are less than %i minutes left until an auto round restart will occur AUTORR_LANG_UNABLETIME = This server is not currently configured to track minutes passed for auto round restarts AUTORR_LANG_NOROUNDHUD = No Rounds Until Round Restart! AUTORR_LANG_1ROUNDHUD = 1 Round Until Round Restart AUTORR_LANG_ROUNDSHUD = %i Rounds Until Round Restart AUTORR_LANG_NOTIMEHUD = No Time Until Round Restart! AUTORR_LANG_1MINHUD = Less Than 1 Minute Until Round Restart AUTORR_LANG_TIMEHUD = Less Than %i Minutes Until Round Restart AUTORR_LANG_HUDUNABLE = AutoRR Hud Error AUTORR_LANG_LOG1 = "%s<%i><%s><>" used amx_restart to restart the game at round 1 AUTORR_LANG_LOG2 = "%s<%i><%s><>" used amx_lo3 to execute Live On Three AUTORR_LANG_LOG3 = "%s<%i><%s><>" used amx_switchall to switch all players to the opposite team AUTORR_LANG_LOG4 = "%s<%i><%s><>" used amx_specnchoose to send all players to spectate and show them the choose team menu