[en] MAIN_TITLE = Furien Ultimate FURIEN_VIP = VIP Menu USED = You already used this command this round. FORMAT = To use vip privileges write in consol:!g bind v +power!n NORECOIL_ACTIVATED = You choosed!g norecoil!n as your power! NORECOIL_DEACTIVATED = !tNo recoil!n it's disabled, use your power to re-enable it! GODMODE_ACTIVATED = You choosed!g GodMode!n as your power! GODMODE_DEACTIVATED = GodMode power it's!g succesfully over!n. You cannot use this power anymore TELEPORT_ACTIVATED = You choosed!g Teleport!n as your power! TELEPORT_DEACTIVATED = 20 seconds has been passed!g succesfully!n u can use this power again! TRIAL_WAIT = You must wait minimum!g 20 seconds!t before using this power again!n. NO_RECOIL = No recoil GODMODE = GodMode TELEPORT = Teleport HEALTH_ARMOR = 250 HP & 250 AP GRENADE = Full Grenade pack ONLY_CT = This power is only for!g Antifuriens!n. ALREADY_HAVE = You already have this power. YOU_CHOOSED = You succesfully choosed AVAILABLE_NEXT_SPAWN = the power will be available next spawn.