# This File contains all Botnames which are used if you don't # specify a name using "pb add" # There must be at least 9 names in here and you're allowed a maximum # of 21 chars for the name ! Why ? The "[POD]" will be # placed before the Name and the Skill will be appended... # # Line below contains 21 chars as a marker for you #23456789012345678901 # # Ionut Andrei Adrian Costel Marin Milan Ronaldo CR7 Messi Mbapee Costelus Ionica Bogdan xEnON XeNoN daNN1elL LoonEA MoonLight Sq ClimE Sq QuadEx Steamer Player Vcl Player WarZone Player WtfcsPlayer Player1 player2 My name is HeadshoTT k1DuTzZu Cornel Corea Marcel Ionela Alexandra Ramoo xD Clarisa S Minion time QQ maGneT00 GLobal da Eu Mircea Voda ClassiC sunSet WhatsSup myhaii kenzZor Robert Marius Mitica SenZoR aRRkan DDraveNN yaSuo zeDD UltraXD Maria SnK Gamii #Relax AstRo Pooh The wiNNeR AngeLo Creolo MannY peGass BMW I1 Jar NoireD Xylo Mira xD :* beLLa <3 toKyo Miu Khalifu AburhaGaj Gynoo Dynoo Bynoo PerryuK Relu' a lu Mitri GoNzalles Stelutza <3 dicKersoN hoop -|NoS|- Chrono bobjones dawgz The BiG SMUT -CARDIAC- Wigger Vampire Zachalicious bob The Muffin Man intangible yoda Nikolai MeRCeNaRy -=Sh0rTy=- RaGe wind pyr0` {NoV}Fishbulb ChRoNo Brandon alldritc articwolf funk phobos BorHor xUTxJackFrost DrEdGe FuEgO wiggles dslodolce miesso CheezyPinoy butterfly Fat Matt aznfaijai Flying Martini thecounter_king SuperWaffle Killer apple Spriggan Counter123 bling bling RAGE OF THE BOY aliendewd1 AfluffyKitten n0k ultimo101 SaVaGe_RuBy Anthology vittu INEOIVulture kingkilla Domo cG PHAXD Major Whatever Ender Wiggin Smok3 thunder Twinner Ronin Marmot shooterman alan_cross2001 [Saber]Psycho bussemann yoshi ffmcobalt kaosbob tHeCh0sEn0nE joem91606 HappyKiD bisTEK kirby Serial_Victim sk8_sam_101 BDM-WhiteViper Firestorm fury16 omega DevilScream waeldreegia [SMUT]DarkDruid AttAckA dead weight Shadow-Death BHSbballer15 Buddy101 Helios thesofafox Sublime vampiress 8|@@d$h@t Slayin red devil Chubbs Mushlafa DarkWarrior eGGfOO Dk-Unknown Nihility ksqueakj iamblazed Dori Counerstrike1 phillip_style blueguile DROP DEAD FRED gixsir1000 Galdalfus Deadlynome 007 goat peopleRpoop pimpjuice Texas FatManMGS2 Death Knight bjaren bunkerking111 Sh0oTeR simslater .e7`~Silent ewok Joe Hextor k0h0 rolo123 jakejake Slurr un4given Gilroy Magnus Savage|420| Jonny Matrix Tator Wangmaster